
Where do Babies come from???

Tonight I let Brylee come with me to the salon to put a color in a friends hair. She was so good, she is just growing up on me. After that we went to dinner with Broc and Payson, and we drove seperate because they had some errands to run first. We climbed into the car and our car is still fairly new to us because we've only had it a couple month. It's a Tahoe and we keep the third seat folded up in the back. Brylee looked back there when she climbed in the car and this is how our conversation went:

Brylee- Mom I have an idea...when you have two babies they can both sit back there in that seat.
Me-Oh I don't think I will have two babies, that would be a lot of work! I think one baby is enough. (no i'm not pregnant...we are talking future here)
A few minutes go by and she had to ask....
Brylee-Mom...where do babies come from?
Me-They come from Heaven
Brylee-How do they get here?
Me-Heavenly father puts them in the mommies belly so it can grow healthy and strong
Brylee-(after some deep thought) Well how does he get the baby in there?
Me-(I was not prepared for this conversation as you can tell) He plants a seed and the baby grows from that little seed. Its kind of magic.
Brylee-Hey I have a plan mom....we could get a flower pot like grandmas and plant the seed in it and it would grow big like a flower!

And from there I let her take her imagination where she wanted it to go....I did not know what more to say for fear of the oncoming questions that she would be throwing out there. Lets just say I can't believe how smart kids are and how much and how deep they think about things. She is a sweetheart and even though she is busy busy busy we love her to pieces.


Colette said...

Oh that is funny!! I don't think we are ever prepared for what they are going to come up with! Better watch out if she wants to get a big pot this summer :)

Megan and Shawn said...

That is great! Very good answers by the way. I'll let Sam explain to Brylee how babies get out of your tummy! It's a favorite of ours - sounds like I explode.

Jessica said...

haha, we used the egg theory...but i liked the seed =) wait till you are pregnant, then the real questions start coming...be prepared!!

Brian and Krista said...

BAHAHAHA!! I love it! at least she didn't ask how they get out of your tummy... LOL! thats been my kids thing, and luckily this one will be a c-section so its an easy answer!

Brittanie said...
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Brittanie said...

That is so cute! Its crazy the things kids think about, and we forget how smart they truely are.

Beth Willmore said...

Ha ha that cracks me up! I cannot believe that you didn't want to have THE conversation with her. :) Also - I think you totally SHOULD have two babies - that would be awesome for you! I'm totally up for lunch on Wednesday - when and where?

Jill said...

that is so cute!! You have the cutest kids! I'm sad your not my VT anymore. I may need to stop in sometime for a hair cut :)

Bree said...

Oh dear!! I think you handled it well. hahaha! Beth told me about lunch (I hope I was invited too hahaha) Sounds good! :)