Well last Wednesday morning I walked into her closet to get her clothes for school. And the smell was SO strong. I immediately bent down where there was a big pile of clothes she had pulled off her shelves the night before and I started picking them up and feeling them and smelling them. Yuck i know! And then I picked up a wet sock.....then I discovered a HUGE wet spot on the carpet. I yelled for her to come in the room and for about 20 minutes she denied peeing in her closet and kept telling me that her friends did it. NO NO Bry you haven't had friends over for like a week! So then she finally broke down into tears and admitted peeing in there about 3 times (we think it was more than that) Anyways...long story short I shampooed and cleaned it 3 times and it wouldn't come out so we tore up the carpet. Thankfully Broc has a friend who lays carpet so he came and put a new piece in that day. That pad was soaked so there is no way it would have came out. GOTTA LOVE KIDS:)

If this happens again......there will be an auction for kids on here:) HAHAHA j/k Lets just hope she learned her lesson....especially after seeing me so mad;)
That'll make for a good story oneday when she gets bigger...
Glad you got to the bottom of it. It will make for a good story.
Holy smokes - the stuff we put up with as parents! Last week Parker wrote all over our living room wall with a brown crayon - and Meg wrote on the blinds in our living room with a pen. I'm glad you figured it out though - I wonder what made her do it??
Let's get together for lunch sometime soon - I haven't seen everyone forever!
Oh Amber YUCK!! Had a similar experience when my boys were little, I could have killed them. They've never forgotten their punishment though. We were planning on going to the drive-in and instead they got to wash the carpet with toothbrushes. Didn't happen again, but I was SO mad and DISGUSTED with them. Being a mom is always an adventure isn't it!!
I have never understood why doing stuff like that is so inticing (sp) to kids! I would have been besides myself with anger...how frustrating. Hopefully she learned her lesson...for your sake!!!
OH NO!!!!
Do you have a kids seat on the toilet? I know my kids were afraid of that BIG hole. My husband is a plumber so I was able to get a toilet seat lid that had a lid for adults of course (the normal one) then another lid that flips down for kids, and then the closing lid. Did that all make sense? Any way I know that helped them. Just an idea.
Glad you were able to find the source, and she fested up. Dang it!!
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