Today was Brylee's third day of swimming lessons. I got her in a 5 day course and this is her first time ever to take swimming lessons. I really should have started her last year. She was pretty scared of the water at first because she is used to arm floaties or a life jacket. Today she did great! So much better than two days ago. I will have to keep enrolling her this summer so she gets comfortable in the water. After lessons today we met up with Broc and had lunch at Craigos. It was nice not to have to work today and just have the day to spend with the kiddos. We came home and the kids rode their bikes then we played Candy Land. What a good day!
Bry and her new friend Savannah... a gross pic of me but Bry is so cute in it.... The new Graduate! Brylee graduated from Preschool on her birthday! It was a cute little program. They sang their favorite songs and then they were each called down by name and given their little diplomas. We have loved this preschool and Payson is very excited to start up this fall.
Sandy will kill me for posting that pic of her but it was so cute of Bry so i had to:/
Brylee is 5!!! (as of June 3rd) Weird. She is changing by the day and the attitude changes (for the worse) by the minute:) We still love this little fireball. I can still remember every detail about that night she was born. She was perfect with her little button nose, tiny mouth and tiny ears. She is still perfect in our eyes. She is one smart cookie and is very talented with art. She has an eye for picking out her clothes which most times we don't agree on but hey I have to let her be herself:P She can swing a bat really really well but still has to have that hair bow in her hair. She dances like crazy with her Hannah Montana, or Taylor Swift music and doesn't give a dang if I video the whole thing, in fact she puts on quite the show I will have to post a video:) It makes me ache a little bit thinking that she will be starting school this year and a whole new chapter of our lives will begin. I know she will be a good example to those around her, she is a very strong willed little girl and knows what she wants in life. Happy Happy Birthday Brylee Boo WE LOVE YOU!!!
She had the BUSIEST birthday ever. Holy moly that night I passed out..seriously. She started it off with having her last day of preschool (which they had a party for her there and I had to make a treat to take) then came home and opened our presents. Payson went to my moms for the afternoon and Broc and I took her to Craigos for lunch. Then we came home and let her play with her new dollhouse, which was the main thing she wanted. I made some cupcakes really fast and then we rushed over to her party at the Rex Jump and she had a bunch of her little friends there for a little friend party. It turned out great! She got spoiled by all her friends, she is one lucky girl. I never had birthdays like this when I was little! Then after the party we came home for a few to clean up a little then we were off again to go to a farewell pizza party for our friends, Shawn and Megan. They are moving to New York to do his residency, he graduated Med school in Podiatry and we are very proud of him! That's Brocs best friend. They are so funny together and we can't wait to come to New York to see you guys!! Anyways back to the birthday girl...after that we had to rush to her preschool graduation. Phew...That ended the day with 2 tired kids, one tired and grumpy mama and well I don't know how Broc was feeling but I don't care he didn't do all the work. HA! Stay tuned for preschool grad pics....
Below is a pic of her after she opened her first gift from us....Candy Land. And she said "I didn't want this!". Oh my talk about SPOILED! She was quite pleased as you see in the next pic when she opened what she has wanted for months...a bigger dollhouse. We gave her little one to the neighbor and she has been waiting for a new one. She LOVES this thing. It's great to have her entertained by something for so long. We also got her a Lightbright...remember those?? I had one when I was little and loved it. She also loves that.
(sorry pics are in random life is chaos right now and I don't energy to care:P )