
{Big Sister}

Brylee is such a GREAT help with Reese. She is so good with her, it actually surprised me because she was the complete opposite when Pays was born. Bry and Pays were only 22 months apart so I'm sure there was just jealousy there.

She always rushes to her when she cries and soothes her by holding her or giving her the Pacifier. Reese is lucky to have Brylee for a big sister. Brylee has wanted a little sister for a long time and she is so proud to say she has one now:) At first we were really nervous because Bry would just pick her up and we had to teach her how to support her little head and to not go on the tile while holding her. Now that Reese is holding her head up a little more it's gotten better but we still have to watch. We have a lot of tile in our kitchen so that still makes me nervous;)

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