
{Reese's Blessing}

We blessed Reese on Mothers Day. It was so nice and the speakers in sacrament were so good. I waited until she was older to bless her because she had RSV when she was just 4 weeks old. I am so glad I waited, she was at a good age. She looked so pretty and did so well during the blessing. Broc gave such a good blessing and it was so emotional for me for some reason. It always is but this time it was more so to me. I am just so Thankful for Broc and my kids and for the gospel. I am SO thankful for our eternal family. I love my family and Broc's family so much.

After the blessing we had a lunch at our house. It was a perfect Mothers day meal!

pretty little girl

Grandma and Reese:)

Before church...


Jessica said...

oh my goodness...what a cute litle thing! I'm getting so excited to come and visit and see everyone. You know what you would do if you didn't live close to family is drive 12 hours one way a couple times a year to come see them ;) Glad you had a good easter and blessing day!

Jessica said...

What a special day for Miss Reese. I LOVE her dress.
What a beautiful little family you have Amber.

Kaeli & Kyle said...

OH she is precious! The blessing day is always so sweet :)

Beth Willmore said...

What a beautiful little girl - I also really love the pic of you and Broc holding her. Such a cute family - and you guys should have like 14 more kids because they're so cute! :)