
I'm Done!!!

Mission accomplished! I am officially done with my 2000 hour course at The Hair Academy. As hard as it was to leave my kids everyday, it was the most rewarding thing I could have done for myself. It has been my long dream to do hair and I am so proud that I went through schooling while having two kids. It was not easy but it was worth it. I met some of my best friends there and I learned ALOT about life lessons. Paul Mitchell Systems has really good culture and I have seen alot of young girls change because of it. I put a few pics of my friends and things so you all could see what I got to be around everyday. I am going to miss it alot but I am so excited to take my boards and start my new job. I should be starting at Radiance at the end of June or beginning of July, depending on when I can find out about passing boards and all that! I'm so excited to work there, it is a really nice Salon. And it is a Paul Mitchell Focus Salon so I will be comfortable in the surroundings, and still be able to use Paul Mitchell products which I love. So thanks a million to all of you who have been a huge support! Yeah, I get to sleep in tomorrow and clean my house!!!

This is where I have practically lived for almost 2 years

Kristin, Steph, Nancy and me (My last full day, there were tears and so no mascara!)

Me trying to bust a move. Everyone was dancing but I mostly took pics, so I posed for this one pic, nice I know.

Rochelle (a Learning Leader) and Crissy (Admissions leader, and future boss at Radiance)

Broc sent me these beautiful flowers and a super funny card. Thanks babe!

Nancy, Steph, Me, and our Phase two Advisor Lindy.

This flower and balloon are from my sweet friend Ericka (who I miss so much!)

My friend Brandi who started this whole school thing with me! (and Jamie being crosseyed in the background) and Sarah.

This is Stephy and she has become a very close friend of mine. She is amazing at everything! She will be moving to Salt Lake and I'm so sad but I will visit you often Steph! love ya.


Nicole Stucki said...

You simply amaze me. I can't believe you are done. I still remember when you started and a month later found out you were prego with payson:)! Time flies by. I am so excited for you! Way to go!

Annalee Taylor said...

Congrats! I am so proud of yoU! What a HUGE accomplishment. Just think...you can do anything now that you did this! I hope you enjoy your time off and get to be home with the kiddos, I bet they are so glad to have their mom home!

Bree said...

YAAAAY! Congratulations Amber! I'm so excited for you! And you are so cute--the pic of you dancing is the best! Bring on the play dates, lunches and SHOPPING!!! :D

brockandericka said...

HA HA!!! CONGRATS!! I am so excited for ya!!! wasnt it so nice to finally sleep in today ha ha!! so now here we come boards!! AHH!!!! scary~!! but we can do it right lol ha ha!!! well all i can say is study is all we can do ha ha !!! well i am way happy for ya !! it is about time we did it huh ha ha !!!:)!!!

the Virgins said...

CONGRATS!! I can honestly say I know what a great feeling that is :) Too bad I didnt go to the same school as you. We need to get together when I get home in September and you can do my hair. Thanks for doing my mom's hair she said it turned out so cute.

Natalie said...

CONGRATS!!! That's so exciting for you!! My mom said that you did her hair and she loved it! We really do need to get together when I come up.

Megan and Shawn said...

Congratulations!! That is so great Amber. You totally deserve a big break, so sleep in and enjoy.

Stewart Family said...

congrats! That is so exciting. Looks like you made a ton of fun friends. Good luck with your boards!

Ashton & Co. said...

Congratulations on finishing! What a great accomplishment! I would love to learn how to do hair someday... I've even though about it maybe when I have all my kids in school, we'll see. Anyway, congrats again, I know how hard that is to leave your kids to go to school. Do you know when you'll be working?

The Jensen's said...

Congrats! You'll need to post when you start working for sure, I enjoy having you do my hair.

The Mendenhall's said...

Congrats! I am so proud of you. I know how hard it can be I had to finish my last 2 semesters while I had Caden but I can't imagine having 2. You are amazing!

Jessica said...

yeah for amber!! way to go girl, you worked hard and finished up with two kids at home, too much work for me to imagine. If you decide to still come up we'd love to have you. We're easy so even if you decide to come the night before we'd be thrilled. Have fun cleaning your house!

Jessica said...

oh and you look hot in that hat...way cute

Chantri said...

Hey there, CONGRATS! I've already said how DANG PROUD I am of you! I really admire your drive and commitment to yourself to accomplish this even while having two small children at home. You are totally amazing and such an inspiration. I can't wait until you are back at the salon. When are they going to start taking appointments for you? I need one ASAP! I LOVE my cut, but want to go shorter! Have lots of fun...too bad the weather has totally stunk for the past week. I guess that has kept you inside to clean and such. How fun! If you ever get board and want to have a play date/gab time...I'd love it!

Beckie Taylor said...

Wow! Congrats on going to school with kids. I tried going back when we just had Sarah, but with Dan in school it was just too hard. Your kids are beautiful!