
A big girl bike....

The other night Broc just up and decided that it was time for this little girl to have a bigger bike. Her old one was a 10" and it was just getting a little small it had a pedal that kept falling off. So off to Wal Mart we went and that's where we found this 12" Princess bike that she just adores! When we were in the store she was riding it all over and so we thought we would go pay for it since she wouldn't get off! Well....leave it to Broc to forget his wallet!!! She was even riding it up to the register! So Broc made a quick call to his parents who happened to be in town and actually were really close by so they came and saved they day by making the purchase for us. She never was way into riding her bike like she is now. All day she asks if she can go ride it. She goes really fast now and loves to try and keep up with all the bigger kids on the street. She even rides it to the babysitters on the days that I work. I just take Payson in the car and she rides her bike down (it's only about 3 houses down). We loves watching her grow!
-In the car yesterday Brylee said "Mom I have lots of hair on my legs"! WOW, didn't know a 3 year old would notice her hairy legs.....lets just hope she doesn't get any ideas!

1 comment:

Bree said...

How fun for her! She IS getting so big!! I love that she noticed her hairy legs. hahaha.