
Not much to write about....

I have been so busy working and trying to be a mom at the same time lately so I have been aweful at taking pics and there really hasn't been much excitement going on. I have been back at the Credit Union temporarily, they called and asked me to come work 4 hours a day for 4 weeks. It's going good so far but I realize that doing hair is much more my thing and I enjoy it alot more! Dealing with people's money gets complicated and they get mean! So other than that I am dealing with a teething child, a mean 3 year old, and a house I can't keep clean because of two little stinkers that love to drag anything and everything out of their closets or my cupboards. This is why I am not looking forward to winter, because you can't just escape outside to entertain your kids, you are stuck inside all day trying to entertain them.

On another note, I took my blog off private about 3 days ago and.....I don't think I can do it!! I hate not knowing who is looking at my blog and reads everything about my family so back to private I will be going in a couple days! If you don't think I have your email or if you want to be added please leave me a comment with it so I can get you all in. I have had so many people wanting to look at it and it seemed like such a pain to have to collect all these email addresses but now that I am not private I am beginning to think it's worth the pain to add everyone individually. I'm just too nervous of a person I guess.

Have a great rest of the weekend everyone! I hope I get something more interesting to post about soon:)

(by the way.....what do you think about my new blog makeover?? Yay or Nay?? I can't decide if I like the black!?)


The Jensen's said...

I think I got that same vest for Mac to wear in our pics. Did you get it from Old Navy? Anyway, you pictures are adorable. And I totally understand about being a mom and working and a messy house. Drives me CRAZY, but what can you do.

Jeppesens said...

I love the new look. By the way you always have the best music. I guess I am just so out of what is "in". All I get to hear is hannah montana or kids stuff. Don't worry you are feeling like the rest of the working moms in the world feel. There is never enough time to clean your house and spend with your kids. It is the eternal struggle. And I hate to tell you it does not getting any easier. You are a great mom and don't if your house is not always spotless it is okay. A happy family is better than an immaculate house. Keep up the good work. We need to get together soon.

Megan and Shawn said...

I love the family picture - you look so good Amber! You seem to be super busy, hope things slow down a bit for you.

Stevie said...

Sounds like your a busy lady . . . don't forget to add me again. Your pics are so cute! It's a good thing you love your kids, because when you think your going crazy it helps a little:)

Jessica said...

what a good lookin' family! I love the new blog look, but it was trickin my eyes out with the white on black...that doesn't mean you should change it, that means I have eye issues =) I love your red shoes too! Well I hope things settle down for you a little. I couldn't imagine doing everyything I do plus hair and working at the bank. and sometimes a messy house means you spent all afternoon with your kids, so it's ok! Good luck with the binkie thing too, she won't want it forever and if it helps her sleep go for it, I am so for helping kids help themselves go to sleep.

Bree said...

You are so busy!! Makes me feel lazy!! Hahaha. At least bhive is only for a month, right!! Hope things can calm down...and that winter stays away until the end of October...yeah right! I CANNOT believe it's almost October!!! Anyways...have a great week!!!

Alicia Alee said...

I like the black layout! The white text might be a little hard on the eyes; maybe a light or medium grey? The white really doesn't bother me very much though. Love the new family pics inserted with the red! I totally understand about the kids pulling everything out of the cupboards thing - that has been my crisis lately too! :) Good luck, and I hope things get a little less crazy for you soon. Oh, my email is mouserclan@yahoo.com if you don't have it so that I can be added as an invite. ttys!

The Kay Family said...

Well, the black looks really good with the photos. What a great picture! I was just thinking the other day how the house has stayed so much cleaner the last couple of years with only one mess maker instead of three! They'll grow out of it. Stay positive!