The day after my G'ma Grover passed away i was able to go up to driggs and listen to my other grandma (Kay) give a talk in church. I am blessed to have two wonderful grandmas and it's so sad that i only have one left but she is truly amazing and i wish i could share her life story with all of you but it would be a very long post. Maybe someday i will, just because i am so proud to call her my grandma. I have never met someone so strong that has been through so much in their life but still holds their head up high and makes the best of her life and what she has. It was so neat to hear her talk. I could listen to her for hours becuase she has such a life history and so much has happened. I know i couldn't withstand the trials she has endured in her life. She is an example to me. My mom has made all of us kids a book with all of our geneology in it (we still add to it from time to time) I love to read my grandma's stories. Anyways it was a nice sunday and i'm glad i got to hear her talk, it was comforting to me.
Me, Brylee, Gma, Brian, Abi

i'm so sorry to hear about your grandma passing away. it seems like you have such a good relationship with both of your grandmas, that's awesome and i bet they just adore you and your kids :) (melissa not brock)
I LOVE your hair in that picture. I need some serious lessons:)! I'm so glad you are able to get all these pictures with your grandmas.
PS I want to see pictures of your yard!
You've had quite a week Amber! I love to hear of the stories that Grandmas tell and I agree I don't think I could have handled their trials. I guess there is a reason we are all born in our "season". Your hair is really cute in that picture! Are you enjoying your sod?
Like the picture of your dad. We know better. You have great parents.
Holly COW Amber, you have some roots here in Driggs/Tetonia!!
I SOO know your Grandma Kay too! She worked at Ace Hardware (back then, it was Coast to Coast) forever!
Just another note: I went to school, and was the same age as Shawn Robson (your cousin...right?)
Phhewww did ya get all that??!!
Any ways, those are some great pictures of your family. I can only imagine the wonderful stories your grandma is passing on!
check out mrs kay rockin those black-rimmed glasses! wow! hope you are doing well. i'm sorry for your loss! good for you to celebrate life and family!
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