
Scary Moment....

Ok you know how I have mentioned how I am a worrier??? Well I have a little story to share that will explain a little more in detail. So I am home alone with the kiddies this weekend cuz Broc decided to go do some hunting for rockchucks on his uncles ranch in Montana and I hate to be home alone first of all but tonight just topped it off. I had just put Payson to bed and Brylee was in watching a movie on my bed and so I went into her room to get her bed turned down and ready for her to go to bed as well, and I for some reason (probably because I'm paranoid) decided to look out her window. So I peek our through the blinds and there's this little truck with a campershell sitting right outside my house. It was across the street but there is no house there and it was basically right in front of mine. There were these weird lights inside, like blue dim lights, kind of looked like a cell phone was being used or something, so someone was in it but it was dark out and it was not my neighbors!!! I am like panicking at this point because I knew that I could not sleep knowing there was this truck sitting out front like someone was watching the house. So I called my mom and was trying really hard not to cry and my mom got my dad and he told me to call 911 and ask for an officer to just drive by and check it out......So I call 911 and I am sooo embarassed because I feel like this big pansy (which I know I am) so they send 2 officers over and I just watched out the window this whole time, but the one officer got out of his car with this flashlight and was shining it in the windows and I'm thinking "I am such an idiot!" because I could see nothing. Then he gets to the campershell and he opens it up and starts talking to someone!!! I WAS DYING! I thought for sure it was my murderer. (remember there are no houses across the street it is DARK) This kid climbs out and I was just like numb and scared and mad at my husband all at once. So they talk and the kid shows his DL yada yada yada. The one officer leaves and the other gets in his car and calls my house to let me know that it is just this college kid and his girlfriend watching a movie. OH MY GOSH!!! I said "Why do they have to park in front of my house though" and he's like "well they thought it looked like a nice quiet street and they want to finish their movie so I told them they could" So I explained that I was home alone with my kids and he totally understood. He said he would rather have something like that called in than to later find out that someone should have called it in. Dumb college kids anyways.....watching a movie.....uh huh.....riiiighht. EWWWW I am just mad that it had to happen. I just totally scare myself when I'm home alone. I've got my pepperspray/mace stuff though that I keep close to me......I told ya I'm a worrier! So that's my story and I really am embarassed that I had to call 911, I'm sure all my neighbors were watching out their windows. So yea it was scary and I just hope I can sleep now.

(oh and they left shortly after because my neighbors pulled in to their drive way and they probably got the hint that it was a little weird to just sit outside someone's house to "watch a movie" in a campershell)


Jeremy and Nicole Stucki said...

Oh Amber! I would have done the same thing. How scary. You just never know. And things are always ten times worse when your hubby is gone. You did the right thing. Stupid college kids. Just think though maybe you stopped them from doing the dirty....Hahaha. Anyway it is ok to be nervous about stuff like that. Talk to you later!

Chelan said...

I would be a nervous wreck too! Even in Rexburg! I bet you can imagine what I'm like here in AZ. :-P I guess that's just what happens when you're a mom. Better afe than sorry!

The Jensen's said...

I am the same way when Ryan isn't home. I am not a huge fan of my dog, but if I am alone I don't let her leave my side. And I can't sleep either. Better to be safe than sorry.

Jenny said...

Oh gosh, you sound totally like me. I freak myself out over things like that.(Though I think it was a great idea to call the police on that one) When Gus is gone I carry my pepperspray around everywhere with me and I definately cant sleep or I make someone come stay with me.

Annie Hebdon said...

Oh my gosh amber. I am cracking up right now. That is hilarious! It's a good thing you called though, just to make sure. You never know if it's a crazy person or not.

Stewart Family said...

Wow, I would be scared to. I always freak myself out when Marc is gone. Why didn't those college kids go up to the dry farms or something instead of in the middle of a niegborhood. I hope the cops interupted thier makeout session. Dummies!!

Natalie said...

SCARRY!! I used to love being scared when I was younger. I loved the scarry movies and all that but as I have gotten older I'm a total baby!! I hate being alone at night so you're not the only one, I'm glad it was nothing serious!

Ashton & Co. said...

that was smart Amber- I would have done the same thing. Atleast you meant to call the cops, one night we came home from a date and Tess had called 911 and left if off the hook, so the cops came out to "check" if everything was okay. Our babysitter was embarassed and the only reason we knew it was Tess was she learned about calling 911 that week in preschool...

Nick and Brent said...

Ha ha, that is too funny. I'm glad I'm not the only paranoid one out there. I usually can't be left by myself because I get too scared. I would have done the same thing you did, so don't be embarassed!

The Cooks said...

WOW that would have freaked me out even with ty or someone there cuz im that big of a pansy! So we were up there but had a lot to do in no time! So we are coming up again on the 16th! Let's plan on playing. You could come help me pick out my annoncements! Love ya

Bree said...

Too funny...well, how it ended anyway! I can totally see you peeking thru the blinds...I would have too! hahaha. I get so scared when I'm home alone! Good for you for calling it in...dumb kids! So are we on for Tuesday??

Megan and Shawn said...

That is hilarious! I would have been so embarrased to be those kids in the truck! I guess they will learn their lesson not to park at random locations.

Andrea Nalene Rasmussen said...

Amber, I have to tell you, my dad has offered to buy me a gun several times and I've never thought much of it. And while I can't say I would have gotten as nervous as you (only becuase I skim read the story and have gotten so used to being alone with creepy things going on, not becuase you were unjustified), anyway after reading your blog I called him and accepted his offer.