
Talented mother of mine....

My mom is one of the most talented crafty people I know. She always has some fun project she is working on and she always makes the best blankets! The latest project was these cute pictures she stitched of these flowers and she even put buttons on them, and then put scrapbook paper around the edges for the matting and she put them in just some simple black frames. I love them and so she made me some and I put them above the desk in out kitchen where I have quite a bit of space to decorate and I just didn't know what to put up there. So here they are and they look so good with my house because I have alot of black already. Thanks so much mom your the best! I definately did not inherit this crafty gene.


The Cooks said...

How cute is that! Tell your mom to make me some! I can't wait to see you at the wedding.. Oh no wait my shower next week, you better be there! How is bry's lip?

Annalee Taylor said...

hummm...I love these! I might just have to make some too! CUTE idea.

Brandi said...

What a cute idea! They are adorable. I just have to tell you that the design for Brylee's room is so cute! I really hope that you like it-I am excited for you to see it (as soon as I have vinyl to cut it on -augg)!

The Kay Family said...

Cute, Amber! What are you doing in Brylee's room? Tell Broc happy late bday and have a good fourth!

Nicole Stucki said...

Those are so cute! Thanks for cutting my hair. I love it! And happy late bday to your hubby. I think it is funny that he is older than Jeremy but Jeremy graduated before him.

Bree said...

Those are SO dang cute! I really wish I had the crafty gene too!! She should sell those--I'd buy them!!! And I love the frames with rounded edges! Love em!

Jessica said...

they are super cute but I have to disagree on the inherited crafty gene...you are way more crafty than you give yourself credit for! and you have a knack for decorating! OH and tell Broc Happy Birthday from us!