
{BBQ Cilantro Chicken Pizza}

1 Pizza Crust - Uncooked
1 cup Pizza Sauce
1 cup BBQ Sauce
about a handful of fresh cilantro
3 cups of mixed cheddar and mozzarella cheese
2 chicken breasts cut into small pieces and cooked in BBQ Sauce
1 can pineapple tidbits - drained

Roll your pizza dough onto a pizza pan or pizza stone. Blend together the Pizza and BBQ Sauces, then add cilantro and pulse a few times. Add sauce to the top of the pizza dough, the sauce should be thick. Then top with cheese, chicken, and pineapple. Bake in the oven at 400 degrees for 18 min. (i baked mine longer than 18 minutes because my homemade dough was thicker so just watch it)

Pizza Dough:
1 1/2 c. warm water
2 1/4 tsp. yeast
3 1/2 c. bread flour (I just used regular flour)
2 Tbsp. olive oil
2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. sugar

In mixer with paddle combine water & yeast. Let sit for 5 min. & stir. Add remaining ingredients & mix on low for 1 min. Remove paddle-replace with dough hook. Mix until smooth & elastic- about 10 min. Place in bowl, coat w/ oil & cover until double 1-1 1/2 hours. heat oven to 450. Press dough from middle out with fingers until 1/2 inch thick. Turn & stretch dough then let rest for 5 min. Repeat until 10-12 inches round. Brush dough with oil to prevent sogginess. let rest another 5 min. Bake 10 min, remove from oven and put toppings on, then bake another 10-15 minutes.

I made this pizza for dinner a couple nights ago and it was so good. I made my own dough so i've put that on here in case anyone would want to do that also. I just like homemade dough better than the store bought. I took a before pic and forgot to take an after when it was done cooking but i think this gives you an idea of how loaded it was! I forgot to put the cheese on first also. So the chicken is hiding under the cheese and pineapple. You could never use enough pineapple at our house, we love it. I hope you enjoy this if you try it because it was SO yummy! Go Here for more great recipes!


Colette said...

YUM!! That looks so good. I'm going to have to give it a try. Thanks for the link, looks like they have some great recipes.

Jessica said...

oh yummy!! thank you thank you for posting that. I've been wanting to try a new recipe lately and that just made my mouth water! Keep posting good ones you find, I've got some good recipes in our regulars list that came from you.

Jessica said...

THANKS! That looks YUM!

Meg said...

I've been catching up on your blog and I just love the pictures of your two kids. They are adorable! This pizza looks really yummy, I'm going to have to try it since I'm all about fast and easy meals, which means I won't be making my own crust :-)